Lingxuan "Sean" Wu
I am a PhD Candidate in Economics at Harvard University. My research interests are in macroeconomics, finance, and behavioral economics.
CV: here
Working Papers
Monetary Transmission and Portfolio Rebalancing: A Cross-Sectional Approach, with Xu Lu, 2023.
- Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Financial EconomicsNetwork Lerner Index: Demand and Distortions across Industries, 2022.
- Revise and Resubmit at Review of Economic StudiesPlatform Competition and Interoperability: The Net Fee Model, with Mehmet Ekmekci and Alexander White, 2023.
- Revise and Resubmit at Management Science
Work in Progress
HANK Meets Tobin: Aggregate Demand with Inelastic Asset Markets, with Adrien Auclert, Matthew Rognlie, and Ludwig Straub.
Thinking about the Economy, Deep or Shallow?, with Pierfrancesco Mei.
Spring 2022, Econ 2010d Economic Theory (1st-year PhD macro), Harvard University
- TF for Profs. Adrien Bilal and Xavier Gabaix; evaluation: 4.88/5 [PDF]Fall 2021, Econ 2410a Macro-Finance: Rational and Behavioral (PhD field), Harvard University
- TF for Prof. Xavier Gabaix; evaluation: 5/5 [PDF]Spring 2019, Economics of Online Platforms and the Sharing Economy (undergraduate), Tsinghua University
- TA for Prof. Alexander White